Photo: Robert Pushkar
Grades: 3rd & 4th
Season: Mid-April to Mid-June
Practices: One 90-minute practice a week
Games: Two games per week, typically on Sunday and a weeknight. Games are primarily in Andover but could include neighboring towns. Most years a Jamboree with multiple games, DJ music, and pizza is held to close the season.
Description: In the AGSL Juniors Division, players will begin to learn the ins and outs of playing a full softball game. This is the level when the fun begins with friendly competition between our Andover teams and sometimes against teams from neighboring towns on a full-sized softball diamond with kids pitching to kids and umpires calling balls and strikes and making out or safe calls. Players are introduced to softball strategy and situational play. Games are played under the standard rules of softball with three outs per inning and four balls and three strikes per at bat. Rules are modified to limit the number of steals and runs scored per inning. Player pitching and catching will be introduced.
Player evaluations are held prior to the season to aid with forming balanced teams. Click here for Juniors Division Rules
Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey. Players should have their own face guards, softball pants, gloves, helmets, and bats. The league has a limited number of sets of catchers gear available. Click here for more information about equipment.
Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches! No experience necessary. AGSL can assist with providing practice plans. Click here to learn more about coaching requirements.
Price: $195 ($170 for early-bird registrations) The registration fee covers shirt, fields, umpires, league equipment, and insurance.
Have questions? E-mail the AGSL Registrar at