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Grades: 1st & 2nd 

Season: Mid-April to Mid-June

Practices: One 75-minute clinic-style practice. 

Games: One 90-minute game a week. In previous years games have been at noon on Sunday (no games on Mother’s Day and Memorial Day weekend)

Description: The AGSL Minors division is designed to build upon the skills started in Tee Ball and introduce the formal concepts around games. Players are introduced to coach pitching and learn basic fundamental techniques for throwing, fielding, catching, and batting. Practices are designed as group practices focused on stations and specific skill development. Teams are built and designed to allow the players to play multiple positions. Games are informal, designed for FUN, and focused on learning the nuts and bolts of how to play a game using innings, balls and strikes, outs, batting orders, etc. The goal is to help the players with the skills and knowledge they will need when they reach the Juniors Division where there are competitive games with umpires. Click here for Minors Division Rules

Equipment: Players will be issued a team jersey and should have their own face coverings, gloves, helmets, and bats. Click here for more information about equipment.

Volunteers: Parents are always welcome to help out as coaches! No experience necessary. AGSL can assist with providing practice plans. Click here to learn more about coaching requirements.

Price: $135 ($110 for early-bird registrations) The registration fee covers shirt, fields, league equipment, and insurance.

Have questions? E-mail the AGSL Registrar at